How to Get YouTube Subscriber count, Video count and Total view count

Hello Friends…

Let me show you a code to access your YouTube Chanel Subscriber count, Video count and Total view count.

$api_url = '';

$query = [
    'id' => '<YOUR_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID>', // Keep your Channel ID.
    'key' => '<YOUR_API_KEY>', // Keep Your API Key here.
    'part' => 'statistics',

$request_url = sprintf(
    http_build_query( $query )

$response_json = json_decode( file_get_contents( $request_url ) );

echo "Subscriber - ".$response_json->items[0]->statistics->subscriberCount;
echo "<br>Video - ".$response_json->items[0]->statistics->videoCount;
echo "<br>View Count - ".$response_json->items[0]->statistics->viewCount;

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