Its too irritating when we keep logged out from wordpress dashboard.
I am going to show you a cause as well fixup of that problem.
Very common cause is incorrect Settings of WordPress URL and Site Address; please check below screenshot.

The same place can have an issues of http and https difference in both wordpress address and Site address. So it should be either http or https for both options
1. Simply go to Dashboard -> Settings -> General and update the correct links and save it.

You can add links with or without www. It depend on you.
2. Now if you are not able to change it from dashboard then you can go for wp-config.php
Download and Open wp-config.php file and add below code in it.
define('WP_HOME',''); define('WP_SITEURL','');
Replace link with your actual site link.
Save it and upload it to server. It will sort out the problem. Please clear cache to make it work properly.
Thank you 🙂 Happy Learning.